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splish splash
Thursday, September 24, 2009

and screaaaaaaam B)


:D whoa :D

just came back from sunway lagoon with OS (sans yenhui) + jarryd
:D it was awesomeeeee :D

first, i woke up at 7.30 (thanks to my bipolar sis) who woke me up angrily before smiling sweetly...
then i had currypuff and milo for breakfast with my mum and dad before going off to fetch my mum to work and then to michelle's house
S: i woke michelle up by accident sorry mich
then we went to get jarryd
and pick up waihoe
and off we went :) :) :)

and then we arrived (thanks michelle's mum ^^)
and had to line up! (even though the counter was open)
we saw the funniest group of ppl hahahahah

now the first thing we went (after ef and yy arrive)
was to the....

the day before me and jarryd had this convo:

(20:05) yi lynn - the p: D: only thing i'm worried about
(20:05) yi lynn - the p: is scream park
(20:05) yi lynn - the p: T_T
(20:05) (F) JarryD: haha
(20:06) (F) JarryD: youre not the only one
(20:06) (F) JarryD: maybe
(20:06) (F) JarryD: ima too scare to go in.

which was what we initially thought...and yes
the first time we went
we SCREAMED our heads off
and i held onto eefen's hand and shoulders like a lifeline
(which was bad because the ghosts ended up disturbing us the most)
but then...
we ended up going
another time
and another time
and another
and another....
:) you understand

^^ i'm glad i managed to get over my fear of haunted houses
the last time i ever went to one was when i was 7 and I came out crying. so yeah
i'm proud!
and we even sort of made friends with the ghosts
the third time in we were like
'you're cute!'
'omg so coooool'

in the end, the ghosts were so fed up of us
(the last ride through it was kind of weird and creepy in a different sense that only those who went would understand TT)
something awkward happened

oh and before that
we went to dry park
and water park

me, waihoe, yinyee and michelle
went on the teacups (we were the last to finish spinning)
the tomahawk
and eefen and jarryd joined us in the city of gold
they sat out the other ones ):

the tomahawk
you could see your feet in the air.
and the ground was under your head.

then after that we went to the water park
first we went in groups of two
on the water slide
omg funniest thing
these two guys
the lifeguard dude tried to rock them left and right
the float slipped
and they left on their own w/o it
and cause there are bumps on the slide
we could hear them go
everyone was laughing so hard on the platform.

then we raced each other on the water mat thing
and cheered on a woman was a bit too scared to go :)

then we had lunch
and i earned myself the title of
'wordsworth's most uke'

eefen got 'best leader'
jarryd got 'most whackable'
waihoe got 'best bboy'

^^ we ate a mountain of fries and a bucket of popcorn

then we almost lost each other at the pool
and me, yinyee and eefen
'CHOSEN' by leaves
i was like
'you don't choose the leaf, the leaf chooses you ^^'

eefen named hers after the korean f4
i named mine after my top 4 suju
and yinyee named them different variations of tom felton's name

then we spread them out to the water in prayer LOL

^^ all in all it was a really really fun day

nothing much to say after this.
:D i guess i'll go now

hold the balloon!
Dead & gone. || 5:54 AM

i wanna be a little kid again
Sunday, August 23, 2009

good times with good friends

this picture reminds me of my friends. yes lihseng it's those 'gay korean guys' you were talking about and yes michelle it's 'big bang' but don't kill me you guys D: i don't know why but i love this picture a lot. (no not just for the guys in them)
but it just gives off to me the feeling you get when you're with your buddies
^^ it's a wonderful feeling and it's a feeling i always get with my friends, whether it be when i'm talking with michelle, goofing around with eefen, having long deep conversations with yenhui or even just napping on my beloved sarah it's something everyone should experience ^^

:) i felt like updating even though this isn't much an update but more of a rant.

i realized i'm happy that i have nothing to update about though o.o
i prefer a boring life compared to one filled with drama

:) goodnight. or rather, goodmorning.
see you at 11

hold the balloon!
Dead & gone. || 5:00 AM

bang bang you're dead.
Saturday, August 22, 2009

aren't guns sexy :)

so the holidays are finally here. i dunno whether to be happy about it or not because right after this...class test 4 rears it's ugly head around =.= i'm not sure whether to spend this holiday hitting the books (like i should be!) or finish reading books i've started on (which i never finish, my attention span is shorter than a goldfish D:) or going to the cinemas with friends or my sis.

i wanna really go into more about the world of alice in wonderland as well, really fascinating stuff if you really look between the lines and the child-like themes :D big alice in wonderland fan here :D

my girl-like urges also want to go shopping :( haih, so how? hahaha. cause right now my mum is sick, my dad won't leave the house definitely cause my mum is sick and my sister and i only go out to ta pao food. (she stays in the car, i go and order or vice versa)

so yeah stuck at home. my sister streamed 'the orphan' and we just finished it this morning. (started at night but the streaming site only lets people watch 75 minutes at a time - bandwidth and all that)
we started last night.

it was a pretty alright movie. not too horrible and did have its share of 'AHHHH' moments as well as a few dark laughs. if you're a fan of the 'crazy psycho kid' movies then yeah it's the movie for you. hahah.

hmm i wonder how people choose leaders for their own groups. haha in my mind i'm think in terms of kpop groups. o.o cause they all seem of equal talent so what made them pick this person or that person as the leaders?
which makes me start to think...

O: why is eefen the leader of our esteemed orange society?
:D for me it's because eefen is the tai ka jie, she's very mature and she knows how to be a leader in a way which everyone can accept and i have a lot of respect for her :D plus she's one of the most hilarious, talented and craziest persons i've ever met :D

O: why is crystal the esteemed leader of the great 2 wordsworth?
:D to me i think crystal is a natural-born leader, she knows how to lead people not through fear and threats but to gain respect :) which i think is something every leader should have and she has genuine concern. crystal is someone i admire a lot in that sense :) and she's not the type to 'bow down to her oppresors'

o.o that's my opinion lah o.o
it's up to you if you wanna take my word on what i consider true leaders xp just something i was thinking about haha.

i guess that's all :)

bye bye folks!

x yi lynn ^^

p.s omggg i love CL :D
and yunnie hoho
eefen don't read this and kill me.

hold the balloon!
Dead & gone. || 11:30 PM

party queens, if you wanna be seen
Thursday, August 20, 2009

smile real wide for the paparazzi.
fangs up!
i love polaroids
cobra starship!

so today nothing much, started off with moral, then maths, then sejarah (i finished the paper and ohnoes! just remembered must collect them all tomorrow :/)
=.= but so many people not coming tomorrow i bet.
cause today got confirmed case of H1N1 S:
in secondary one D:
for people like me okay lah, but for those with asthma and stuff would be scarier.

i love gabe saporta :) the frontman of cobra starship
lihseng likes leighton meester. she's pretty.
i like her cause she's helping cobra starship gain popularity here!
woot! go go go :) :) :)
i want them to come hereeee.

:D :D :D
my tuition teacher thinks i'm weird cause i like
but yeahhh D: alice in wonderland is WEIRD in a good way and whimsical and creepy and just omgggg iloveitsomuch:)

:D hahah today during CCA
me yenhui and eefen were hiding in class
and we scrunched up into the gray shelves
super funny man.

eefen: ehhh i'm too tall this thing is way too small T_T
yenhui: has the guard left yet??
me: -plays creepy music on phone- :D
eefen: omg what is that music.
me: it's my phone. hehe.
eefen: omg damn funny lah you ahhahaha.
yenhui: you scared me lah! D:

:D hahahahah. and lunch was funny. had lunch with tzer thorng and michelle :)
:D sial funny :D
machine gun!

:) had macdonalds with the sis for dinner :)
i miss my dad ):

that's all for now i guess
:) will update at a later time!

take care people and

hold the balloon!
Dead & gone. || 5:23 AM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

(picture of the day!)
my two favourite tvxq/dbsk people :D
thanks michelle :)

hello world! today i'm gonna share with you a poem from my amazing friend yenhui :) :) :) we used it as our secret weapon during today's poetry slam, which brought us from last place to second in one round :D which is really just awesome :)

an original by Yau Yen Hui

had a great fall

all the king's horses
and all the king's men
couldn't put it back together again

how strong he stood
how far he fell
he flinched
he cracked

they threw at him
forcing him to tremble
he still stood there
holding up strong

till he shivered
till he cried
and finally broke.

my heart had a great fall,
all the king's horses
and all the king's men
couldn't put ME and YOU
back together again.

pretty, no :) my darling yenhui's own original poem! no steals :) get permission first. :D hahah. today i learned something important.

do not talk to crazy obsessive people. it is quite scary. D:

@.@ my death note books are all over the place, i'm not quite sure which is with whom right now...i better not lose any S: must keep track...

:D holidays coming up :D
i wanna go movie-crazy! :)
but i want to study too

hohoho. tempting debate O:
this is an interesting read on wiki:

Obsessive love

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obsessive love is a form of love where one person is emotionally obsessed with another.

:O :O :O


Moore, Forward and Buck believe that rejection is the trigger of obsessive love - also known as love addiction or relationship addiction.

They state FOUR conditions to help identify it, namely, a painful and all-consuming preoccupation with a real or wished-for lover, an insatiable longing either to possess or be possessed by the target of their obsession, rejection by or physical and/or emotional unavailability of their target, and being driven to behave in self-defeating ways by this rejection or unavailability.

Characteristics indicative of obsessive love are:

why the sudden fixation with this subject?
i blame michelle for talking about the new beyonce movie called obsessed.
scary stuff man.
some cool creepeh stalker movies to check out:
:D yeahhh
it's cool.

and man i miss all my old songs in my old laptop ):
my ipod is the only thing that has all of them left.
luckily my sister bought the thing that lets you charge your ipod without changing the songs.

p.s i hate brown rice T_____T
p.p.s finally a proper post D:

hold the balloon!
Dead & gone. || 3:13 AM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

:D :D :D :D
my favourite story of all time :D
in a movie :D
with johnny depp :D
words cannot show the deep happiness i feel for such a momentous occurence :D
-is at a loss-

2010! come faster!

hold the balloon!
Dead & gone. || 4:33 AM

the birth of a lovely little girl :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009

sarah chan min hua
most amazing beautifullest cutest sweetest kindest girl in the whole universe!~
she's neither taken nor available?


:) thank you thank you sarah :)

cannot imagine the past 2 without you :(


:D gonna give you your pressie tomorrow!


:) i love you sarah :)
without your kindness, i'd be a different person.

hold the balloon!
Dead & gone. || 6:02 AM


the little monster :D

:D i love to eat. if you do too then it's all good :) msn: yoongyilynn@hotmail.com

wipe your feet

ShoutMix chat widget

people who make me :)

tzer thorng A
tzer thorng B


Special thanks

A --x3mypokerface production.
Others: 1 2 3
Song: (Title)Let Go - Imogen Heap
Song: (Header)Simple & Clean - Utada Hikaru